
Saturday, December 8, 2012


D-112. Contest prep.

Quads, cardio and abs for today, got my diet laid out, very excited. Massive boost of energy after the session with my trainer - really looking forward to gettin this started on the right foot.

Took some pics today for a baseline... more will be up later once I have some to compare the two.

Stay tuned.

Carbs with every meal except the last meal, 2 lbs off meat every day, 5 30 min cardio sessions a week to start... It will be a big change, but nothing I'm not used to from the Army - I laugh at the Army PT program sometimes - its a good way to maintain, but I dont see how it really can improve anyone other than making everyone a skinny stick runner. Cool if that's something someone wants, but last time I checked, if my ass is blown up or any of my comrades are down in a truck because of some ass hole trying to kill us over seas I want a strong mf'er who can pull a 300lb body out of a gunner's hatch over someone who can do 100 situps, 100 push ups and run a 10 min 2 mile. Thats just my 2 cents... gotta love the Army tho, its given me a lot.

I'm looking for this experience to really provide a way to get to know myself a little better, really hone in on my weak points as a person, as a bodybuilder, as a friend, future husband, business owner and so much more.

Define yourself through experience, thats when you really find out who you are. Stop thinking and start doing.

follow my whole journey here: animal FORVM

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